Formation of humus soil will be enhanced. Good structure of soil shall be made and the power of soil will be improved in short period.
The properties of soil such as keeping water, draining water, and aeration will be improved. Damages for crops by high density of fertilizer and salt in soil shall be avoided.
Soil will be improved to make good environment for producing crops even in troubles of insects, heavy rain, low temperature, and lack of sunshine.
Roots will grow firmly so that the plants themselves grow healthy from their early phase to the crop season. Troubles caused by continuous planting shall be disappeared year by year and finally the yield will increase.
Improving the soil enhances roots’ growth.
※It is necessary to observe carefully and add proper manure or fertilizer, especially nitrogen must be put more than usual.
Paddy plants with strong stems will not fail. Good crops will be expected.
Tastes of fruits and vegetables shall be improved. Excellent quality of crops of the sweeter taste and longer shelf life is expected.