Spread "Super AKANE ST" before sowing. Preferably spread more than three weeks before sowing.
Paddy fields : 1 bag (10kgs) for 10a (1000m²)
Fields : 2 bags (20Kgs) for 10a
Greenhouses : 3 bags (30Kgs) for 10a
Fruit trees, longtime trees : 3 bags (30Kgs) for 10a
Kitchen gardens : 2Kgs for 1a (100m²)
Plant pot : 1 pinch (0.5g)
Spread “Super AKANE ST” on the soil. The recommended amount is approximately 1% of the soil at max. Mixing “Super AKANE ST” with the soil in nursery boxes may damage the roots of seedlings by unexpected fermentation of microbes in the soil.
Spread 0.1g of "Super AKANE ST" on the soil once a month.
"Super AKANE ST" is not a fertilizer. Please use fertilizers.